We all get stuck in a rut at times and want to add something to our life to make us feel like we’re going that extra mile in reclaiming our health.

Hands up if you’ve jumped onto social media or google before searching for just one healthy habit you can implement? I know I have!

Sadly, we’re all too often bombarded with tips and tricks that come across as “healthy” and ways to help be more productive, yet so often they can cause a lot more damage to not only our physical health but mental health as well.

I’ve put together a small list of, what some people might call “healthy habits” that we really need to be stopped in order to be truly healthy and happy.

These 6 habits might seem fairly healthy and not very problematic but, as I break them down hopefully you will see just how much of an issue they can be.

1. Stop Weighing Yourself

Did you know that weighing yourself not only makes it harder to find your healthiest weight but, it actually has a huge impact on your mental health.

Have you ever noticed that when you don’t see that number move in the direction you want it to you become demotivated, possibly spiral and are thrown for a good few days afterwards. This isn’t a great mindset to be in at all. Trust me, I’ve been there. At the height of my ED, I was weighing myself 5+ times a day.

Now away your scale! Your health, progress and wellbeing cannot be measured by standing on a scale more than once a day, week or month.

2. Stop Counting Calories & Macros

Counting both calories and macros will not only cause you to obsess over numbers but they will cause you to have an unhealthy relationship with food. Now, that is a bit of a blanket statement because not everyone who counts will becomes obsessed, but everyone who has obsessed over food and has had disordered eating patterns in their life, has counted calories, points or macros.

It’s a slippery slope into disordered eating as soon enough you will notice that food controls you. If you’re trying to break this habit, try listening to your body and eating intuitively instead.

3. Stop Checking Your Phone and Emails First Thing in the Morning

This one speaks for itself really.

By checking your phone and emails as soon as you wake up you are setting yourself up for a stressful morning. The best thing I ever did was putting my phone in another room at night. When I get up I open the blinds and some natural light in, then shower, get ready for work etc. If it’s a day off, I take a little long and make breakfast and read a book. Either way, I’m waiting about an hour after waking up to check everything and start my day.

The same thing goes at night. My phone’s DND comes on from 9pm. I might be guilty of staying on my phone a little longer than this but most of the time, my phone goes away at least an hour before I’m ready to go to bed.

By doing this and charging it in the study, it has made such a difference to not only my mental health and how I start and end my day, but also to my productivity and sleep quality.

4. Stop “Clean Eating”

It’s very easy for a healthy habit to turn into an unhealthy obsession.

The first thing to note is that food has no moral value. There are no clean or dirty foods. Well actually, some fruit and veg might come with a little dirt on them, so you can give them a good clean – and bam – CLEAN FOOD TO EAT!

In saying that, if you are feeling anxious around food and meal times, or when you don’t have control over what or where you are eating then I would say you have an unhealthy relationship with food (if you’re anxious due to food allergies and intolerances – that’s a different story). Just know that you should never feel guilty around food, about what you are going to eat and definitely not after you eat. It’s not an easy habit to break.

However, once you start aiming for balance, eating intuitively and stop cutting out whole food groups, you will begin to feel at ease both mentally and with your body. Learn your triggers, stop aiming for perfection and hit unfollow on those people on social media who promote unrealistic extremes.

5. Stop Shaming People for their Food Choices

Firstly, you can not shame someone into changing the way they eat. Secondly, if it’s not your plate then you don’t have a right to comment.

Pretty simple really. Unless asked, being the plate police isn’t your job. We as an overall society need to stop these unsolicited comments. The comments you make regarding people’s weight and food choices actually do more harm than good, especially if you don’t know anything at all about them and why they are making those choices.

Instead, be the change you want to see. Lead by example and create an environment that makes healthy choices easier to make.

6. Stop Using Your Phone When Your with People

Stop scrolling and start building connections.

It’s become such a norm in society to sit on your phone while with people. FOMO sets in and it’s just an automatic, compulsive action that takes place. Be the change amongst your family and friends. Stop looking at your phone, start communicating and just be present. Have a deep conversation with someone, ask them questions and learn something new about them.

Set clear and healthy boundaries for when you will use your phone and make use of the DND feature. Another tip is to turn off push notifications. Write down 2-3 times you will check social media and stick to it. You’ll feel better with less scrolling time and might even find news ways to use up that time. The social media world will keep turning and you’ll be able to catch up later. Who knows, you might even find the JOMO in it (Joy of Missing Out).

Did you find this post helpful? Leave a comment and tell me what’s one habit you’re going to commit to breaking this year? I’d love to support you on your jouney!

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